It was foggy this morning so I snapped a cell phone photo.
It's New Year's Eve. Don't Drink and Drive.
Matt, Aimee and as of 10/2/08: Lil' Stella
This is all I have for now. Thanks guys, for entertaining me on my way up Interstate 95.
Now, you may think that I (Matt) am trying to be a smart a$@. But what about this fun fact: Whenever Aimee wants to tell me something, about 87% of the time she is either in another room or another floor. Of course I don’t understand.
Matt: So, Dave emailed me today.
I (Matt) would not miss it if I didn't see another snowy day. Still nice to look at though..
Aimee Got into the Act.
Here is the "Today" with the new backsplash:
I (Matt) took the dogs for their morning walk and brought along the camera. Here is Darla, checking out the scene.
Here is the view from our back yard. It's hard to make out, but in the middle of the picture, you can see a paved path.
Happy Ginny enjoying the woods.
The Woods.
Another back yard shot.
The Path.
That's all for now!
Miss you, husband!
"Given novelist David Lehane's Dorchester roots and Affleck's' previous immersion in the tough streets of Southie in Good Will Hunting, a sense of place means much to this film's success. To the Europeans who have complained that the Dot Rat (Dorchesterite) accents are hard to understand, Affleck has replied, "This is Boston's revenge for [Guy Ritchie's Cockney and Gypsy-babbling] Snatch." Local rapper Dickie Skinz (whose Sik Pup label just released a Red Sox-themed single in time for the playoffs) is bested only by another local rapper, Slaine, in street authenticity."
Did you see that? Street Authenticity. That's just plain 'off thuh hook'. There's also a new trailer. Check it before you wreck it (like that one? authentic?):Aimee catching flies, I mean ordering ice cream.
My (Matt's) Dad's birthday party at my brother Jhan's (pronounced John) house.
Meadow in front of Jhan's house.
Seine River
Before I ask your help: I know it may be a bit presumptious to assume that people from France actually read our blog, since...well.....not many people read our blog. I know of at least one: our friend Guillaume. So for example, if I have a question about France, maybe Guillaume can contact his friends Maurice, Remy, and Colette. One of them may be able to help. This, mon ami, is the power of the Internet. The above example is fictitious. I just chose some French first names. I don't know if Guillaume, who is a real person, has friends with the names above (fake people).
Le Rasion: My parents will celebrate their 45 wedding anniversary next year. On that exact day, they will board a River Cruise in Paris and travel the Seine to reach Le Havre.
Comment excitant, right?
So, maybe you are familiar with some of the stops on their itinerary (click to view). Maybe you, as a citizen of France, may see one of the places my parents will visit and say:
For People who live in CHILE or Chileans.
Frutillar Chile
Valle Del Elqui, Chile
La Serena: