Not only will I back into my parking space, I think I'll just have to take two spaces for my used Early 90's HumDrum SUV. It's all about me + my ride + taking space which = just plain coolness. I wish there was another me, so I could High Five myself.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hi, I think I'll take two parking spaces, thanks.
Not only will I back into my parking space, I think I'll just have to take two spaces for my used Early 90's HumDrum SUV. It's all about me + my ride + taking space which = just plain coolness. I wish there was another me, so I could High Five myself.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
When it snows, you stay in and eat. And eat.
Because I have been monitoring the increasing cost of citrus over the past few weeks, I decided I would create my own stockpile for when times are really tough.
It seems as though I could not help myself. When there is plenty, there is plenty to consume. This, also, is the American way.
Once I polished off the oranges, I had a taste for something salty. We Americans strive for harmony and balance, as you know. So I decided to make a pizza-a pizza with the works. I hate to shame my father but I bought a pre-made crust instead of making one from scratch the way he does. As a result we had a fantastic pizza with the works that left the aftertaste of cardboard (the kind that's left out in the rain).
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Feliz Cumpleanos, can we have an extra side of rice & beans?

Thanks Vincent, Anne-Laure & Neil for sharing it with us! -Aimee-
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

When I first saw the TV show, Thirtysomething, I was in High School (teensomething). It appeared that being in your 30's is complicated. So much drama, so many feelings. So many tears and bad 80's clothes. Plus, it had Arnold Poindexter from Revenge of the Nerds.
So as today progresses, It dawns on me (Matt: Aimee doesn't qualify yet for many years, and she'll tell you as such) that I am the same age today (36) as the people in that show. So, as I qualify to reach this stage in life, I can provide the following commentary about the show:
1.) If you inserted me in Thirtysomething, it would last one episode. In each scene I appear, I would slap each person I saw, in the face and say "Stop being so whiny. You are so irritating; you make me want to throw myself out of a window (first floor)." Each character would proceed to snap out of their selfishness and be 'healed'. With their new found reality, they would thank me, be happy (except for this guy), and the show would one episode. It would still be a hit because I was in it, slapping people.
2.) I am much better looking than this guy.
So, way back in High School, I had no reason for concern. BEING Thirtysomething isn't that bad, unless you are the whiney, "I need a hug" type, who wears pleated pants.
TV people know the formula for a hit. A.) Take a populous age group and make a TV show. B.) Make all people in show pitiful. C.) Real life age group audience feels better and continue watching. They have yet to learn of my formula: one episode of me slapping people.
One thing I WONT do, is deny my 'Thirtysomething-ness.' For example, someone in his/her mid-thirties should not wear IRONIC TEE SHIRTS. There are so many ironic tee shirts worn by 'the kids' these days, that the only truly Ironic tee shirt is just a basic tee shirt. Isn't it ironic.
If I were in denial about my age, I already know the Ironic Tee Shirt I'd wear because I thought of it. I think it's ironic that someone who wouldn't wear an Ironic Tee Shirt (think Mature Adult) comes up with the best idea for one.
Anyway, the above is a fairly bold statement I made, so I guess I have to prove it. If you see the following Tee Shirt around, you'll know where it came from:
I told you.
So, what is Thirtysomething? We already know it's not that bad. I am also too young to say wise things, so all I will say right now is this: If you're not a whiney wet sock, full of tears and "hug-me's", then it's pretty good!
In the spirit of Costanza leaving on high notes, I will leave you....
Thursday, January 11, 2007
New Camera Phone
I have a new cell phone, that has a camera phone. I know, "sooo 2003."
Anyway, here's a picture from the phone of our backyard.
Here's a picture of the same picture above, but on my computer screen.
Here's a picture taken a little farther back, while I am adding the imgae above, TO this blog posting. Are you dizzy? Totally Awesome.
My new Camera phone is Kitchen-Fairy Approved.
The only thing that the camera phone cannot do is take a picture of itself. Aside from that, the possibilities are endless.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you. Wishing you a great 2007!

Help me win, Oh Kitchen Fairy (Mischmaschine-Fee).
Vincent, Boubou, and Anne Laure

Aimee, reenacting the rules of Twister, dictated by Mickey.