(By Matt)
Aimee and Matt met in New York City. Below is a visual tour of where we lived. I (Matt) also got a little too wrapped up in noting real and fake New York Mafia landmarks, so bear with me. I used
http://local.live.com/ for Satellite images. I think it's neat and maybe you will too, Reader.
For ALL PHOTOS in this posting. You should be able to click on the image to see a larger version. Also, I stole them all from other web sites.First,
where I lived:

I lived with a Married Couple named David and Beatrice. David was from California and Beatrice was from Europe. Her father is Spanish and mother Finnish. She went to School in Switzerland so that's why I said "Europe." They were looking to make it in the Movie industry. Rather than elaborate, I will save that story for another time. If the one in a million possibility for them to see this entry, by all means D and B, contact us!
Wider Shot. I lived in Astoria, Queens. Right next to the Triborough Bridge.

Even Wider shot. This shows where I lived in relation to where I worked. The Island in the East River is where Spider Man beat up Willem Dafoe.
My Trip to the Subway:
Mafia Time! You've seen my walk to the Subway, but you don't know that I walked by a Mafia Den every day on the way to the Subway, now did you? See the Key below the image for more information.

Click on image for larger version.
A.) This is the Subway Stop I used EVERY day. Two and a half years without a car was nice though cold when you had to walk.
B.) Bada Bam Bing Zam Chick Brauw, Mafia Hangout! If you click on the following link, you will see a photo of the Mafia guy. He is standing outside of #B from the pic above. I used to look in the window a lot. My Spidey Senses told me to not walk in there. Really, I got the feeling that it wouldn't be good to walk in for Happy Hour. This was not uncommon in that area though. There were a lot of social clubs you just didn't walk into.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudaj_OrganizationC.) That's a Gas Station. I walked on that street a lot. One Day I saw a huge enormous Mercedes pull up and Big Mean looking dudes with expensive looking clothing. Yep, Mafia.
B2.) Right at the entrance of the Subway, there's like a small grocery store where you can buy anything in the world. I used to by Pizza there a lot. One HUGE piece of pizza cost $1.50. I could go anywhere and the pizza was always good and cheap.
D.) That's the subway platform. I used to stand THERE to avoid crowding and get a seat. I was able to get a seat on MOST days. The Subway was easy!
Where Aimee lived.

Aimee lived on Staten Island. The story of "WHY" is probably one of the most interesting stories I've ever heard. It's like a real story as opposed to me pasting silly maps on a blog. Maybe one day you'll learn about it.

Yes, it's true. Parts of
The Godfather were filmed not too far from Aimee's apartment. Of course I had to drive by and take a look! Kidding aside, Staten Island is a great place.

The following photo is of a
9/11 Memorial that is located about a half-mile from Aimee's old apartment. We actually saw it evolve right in front of our eyes. It started out as a group of small stations, dedicated to all the people from Staten Island who died on 9/11. At FIRST, each station only had a candle and some photos and written letters. Each week we would pass by it and there would be something being built. BTW, I arrived in NYC on 9/8/01. What a start, eh?
During Christmas, there would be trees and during Easter there would be flowers arranged. I don't know what it looks like today, but here are some images:

Here's where Aimee ate on September 11, 2001. On the Anniversary of that date, she would go back to this place. It's called Lee's Tavern. GREAT PIZZA.

Here's where we had our
First Date, The
Rodeo Bar in Manhattan.

That's it for now!