Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My Alma Mater (High School)
Funny thing is..I know the exact camera that is used in the story below is this one.
Maryland Students Use Speed Cameras for Revenge
Students in Montgomery County, Maryland use fake license plates to send speed camera tickets to enemies.
In the UK, this is known as number plate cloning, where thieves will find the license information of a vehicle similar in appearance to the one they wish to drive. They will use that information to purchase a real license plate from a private vendor using the other vehicle's numbers. This allows the "cloned" vehicle to avoid all automated punishment systems. According to the Sentinel, two Rockville, Maryland high schools call their version of cloning the "speed camera pimping game."
A speed camera is located out in front of Wootton High School, providing a convenient location for generating the false tickets. Instead of purchasing license plates, students have ready access to laser printers that can create duplicate license plates using glossy paper using readily available fonts. For example, the state name of "Maryland" appears on plates in a font similar to Garamond Number 5 Swash Italic. Once the camera flashes, the driver can quickly pull over and remove the fake paper plate. The victim will receive a $40 ticket in the mail weeks later. According to the Sentinel, students at Richard Montgomery High School have also participated, although Montgomery County officials deny having seen any evidence of faked speed camera tickets.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks
About a month ago, Aimee and I were taking care of Stella on a Saturday morning, watching Sundance channel. As our program ended another began. It was a documentary about an Icelandic band, traveling home to provide free concerts for locals in remote locations. As the documentary started, we weren't paying attention at all. It began with music, with a voice I thought belonged to a woman. I actually said aloud, "this music is good!" We got hooked on the first song. After agreeing to watch it, we went downstairs to the HD TV. The documentary blended in scenes from Iceland, including a lot of the local folk. With Stella asleep (before we learned she was sleep averse), we proceeded to watch the whole movie in stunned silence. It was beautiful. So, here is a song, performed by Sigur Ros, at a small community center in some tiny town. The music is soothing and shows locals of every age. As you watch (if you watch), think of the things for which you are thankful.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Email from Wife
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Hot Hand
Him: You studying hahd? (with Boston soft, I could barely hear him)
Me: Uhhhh..what?
Him: With more effort, yet less volume, a bit frustrated: You studying hhhaahhhd???
Me (even more confused): Duu...huh?
This would evolve further until his facial expression read "What the frig is wrong with this kid?"
Then, his wife Mary (my grandmother, whos voice could drown out war sirens), would get in my face and yell/say ....
"Maaathew..your Grandfathah is talking to you! He wants to know if you ah study-ing, HAAAAHD! ANSAH him!"
Me traumatized: oh..yeh-yes...
(of course I wasn't studying hard)
Anyway, Ambrose was not afraid to bust out The Hot Hand when he thought I was getting out of line. Keep in mind, I was a shy enough kid that I didn't even talk much, let alone get out of line. I guess maybe if I pleaded for some sort of food, The Hot Hand would come into play.
I would be sitting in the backseat of the car and say something like: "Can I have an ice cream?"
Answer: No.
Me: Ahhhh...why not?
Now, I did not scream, throw a tantrum, cause a ruckus or even whine (I think). I just asked a follow up question. A follow up question, I imagine, was a serious violation. Either my mother or grandmother would warn me: "You better be careful or Grandpa will get out the hot hand."
As I sat in the back of the car, I would look forward to the front seat, with my grandfather on the passenger side. On queue, I would see his ancient hand move high in the air, with fingers extended, as the Hot Hand blocked out the sun streaming through the windshield, ready to inflict horror on little seven year old boys.
I never asked the follow up question to learn its wrath. The threat alone was enough.
Okay, now I'm gonna go eat some ice cream. :)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Five weeks old
Thursday, November 06, 2008
What time are your parents picking you up
Next, I think I will ask for a ride to the Mall to see if that works.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The ladies in their Halloween gear
Why are you looking at me as if someone spray painted me for Halloween?
Even though we would like to take credit for all of the festive gear, it's really not our doing. Aimee's mom and best friend from childhood sent several costumes-all of which Stella was not completely cooperative to model for us! At least we got a couple.
As far as the dogs, we have a long history of our local Kennel taking decorative liberties after bathing our dogs. The ladies took many photos of Darla and Ginny and even sent them to their corporate office. They called me mid-day to ask if I minded if they paint the dogs' nails. Of course not. I told them to do whatever they wanted as long as nothing gets tracked around our house. So far so good:)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Stella's First Bath
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Mother's Love
Today I found a sheet of paper folded in quarters. Almost every corner of that piece of paper was covered with menus for each day, grocery lists for those menus, lists of baby things (diapers, wipes, swaddles, etc, etc, etc), cleaning supplies and so on. Every task was checked off as completed. Each day my mother would wake up before 7am and begin a day of nonstop cooking, cleaning, shopping and support to a frassled new mother. My sister ran errands and spent her day working around our house. When I say I could not have gotten through the first week without them, it is no exaggeration. The simple thought that they were downstairs and available for advice, a hug or an extra arm was a comfort that I never anticipated. My mother and I have always had a very close relationship but I had no idea what she and my sister meant to me until they totally gave of themselves in order to make life easier for us.
Thank you's are almost not enough. I hope that one day I can be there for my sister, along with my mother and share in her own joy. For now, thank you is all I can say. A thousand times, thank you!! I love you both!!!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Youtube Gifts
Without being a technical lad..or even detail oriented, I use the power of the Internets to help me. Lacking technical ability (but also lacking fear), I often set out on 'how to' goals with the help of youtube. Youtube has a million tutorials on how to do basically anything. I will demonstrate with a test. The first thing that pops in my mind right now:
How to Skate Backwards.
(leaving here for a moment, going to youtube)
I am back. Took me two seconds. See here.
Not only did I find it in two seconds, I have a new catch phrase: "Et ezn't impassaball!" This guys accent is great. See first three seconds of above vid and you'll understand.
Back to yesterday's goal. Of course I found a 'how to' on wireless security in two seconds. While watching the tutorial, I noticed that there was country song in the background of the video. I kinda like it. It is similar to most country songs as it mentions love, alchohol, God, trucks, and a country music state like Tenessee for example (this one has two: Oklahoma and West Virginia). Of course, the words are syrupy and sometimes goofy. For example:
"Like Uncle Joe in Oklahoma needs a rain" (from the song I heard)
Anyway I researched the song. The song is "I Need You" by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. It has a lot of similes as seen above. It is hokey, not too deep, and does not always make sense. I am no music snob though. Sometimes you need a country song.
Here is the original tutorial. . I view it as unintended performance art, with the way the screen changes as the music plays.
If you want to hear a better copy (sound-wise) of the song, here you go:
The question remains. Did I set up wireless security for our house? Well, I tried. I also messed up our router so that no one in our house could access the Internet. I then spent the next three hours trying to fix this mistake. After attempting five different solutions and a lame call with Comcast (Mr. Technical Service Rep, you are lay-zee), I reached the point of frustration to seriously consider going to Best Buy to purchase a new router. Before doing so, I called the help line for the router. A nice young fella in India told me "Everything's going to be okay" (like a country music song?) and helped me fix everything.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Don't call her "Nana" or "Grandma"
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Welcome Little Girl Stella
Here is Stella. I will try to write more later. Three hours of sleep does not induce chattiness...or clarity..
One small thing though. Yesterday was her first day home. We brought her up the stairs and Aimee prepared to nurse her in the Baby Room. Aimee has a docking station for Ipod and plugged in for background music. Here is what was playing in the background and her first song. Not too mushy. Just sweet-sounding.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Baby Waiting
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Local High School Football
It seems High School Football never changes. There are the parents, younger children not paying attention to the game, giggly girls and high school boys trying to look tough.

Plus, they have Italian Ice....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hurrican Ike's Strange Effect on Animals
Next, A bear gets lost and wanders towards the Texas Coast during the hurricane.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Last Baby Class
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Wrong Advice
--Surviving the Storm. Downsizing. Buyouts. Layoffs. In some fields the job market is getting nasty. It's time to adopt a few strategies to avoid getting cut -- or bounce back quickly if you do.-- (if you need a username/pw, go to
I intentionally refrain from derogatory commentary about anyone and anything on this blog because
a.) It's not good form
b.) Anything you write on the Internets is basically public record. You don't want to write something with emotion only to regret it later.
c.) Judgements/criticism imply weakness. Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill didn't become how they are know by saying stuff like "Who he think he is! He ain't all that!"
Anyway, I was surprised to read this article. There was a lot of common sense, I mean good advice, in it but there was one published writer quoted who threw me back a bit.
.....But that's just the beginning of your labors, said Stephen Viscusi, author of the new book, "Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Simple Strategies to Ride Out the Rough Times and Come Out on Top at Work." (Collins Business, $19.95). You need to make sure you are the employee the boss most wants to keep.
In sometimes crude terms, his book spells out the particulars of effective ingratiation. "It's all about creating the illusion of working hard and getting along with your boss, and a little old-fashioned ass-kissing or brown-nosing," he said.
His four-part strategy (be visible, be easy, be useful, be ready) is equal parts mom and Machiavelli. It's not always what you want to hear."
Now, I have no problems with brown-nosing, but "creating the illusion of working hard?" Sorry Mr. Stephen Viscusi, but you are encouraging the slackers. I don't know about you, but most people can spot an "illusionist" a mile away.I was speaking with my friend Vincent who's sister-in-law lived in Japan. Evidently, it is a source of pride to be the first one into work at like 6:00 a.m. First one in, and last to leave. She also said that these same people open up the newspaper and read it until 8:30 am. When I started working after college, there was a gentleman in my office who 'worked' like 12 hours a day but did maybe three hours of actual work. I think he spent the remaining nine hours telling people how busy he was.
Anyway, enough of the criticism. I wanna know who I think I is.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Buster The Beer Drinking Pig

Who is Buster The Beer Drinking Pig you ask? In the middle of the Jungle near Tim's home, St. Croix, there is a bar named The Domino Club. The bar is famous for it's beer drinking pigs. In 1991, I went to visit Tim and saw for myself. You pull up a driveway and you actually feel like you are approaching someone's house (in the jungle) rather than a bar. The bar is tiny and there are dogs and cats wandering about.
The attraction is "Buster the Beer Drinking Pig." You order a beer, then give it to Buster. Buster takes the beer (can) from you, hoists it up, pokes a hole through it with his huge tusk and swigs it down. When I visited Buster, it was two pm in the afternoon. All I saw in the cage was about 200 empty beer cans and a one-thousand pound pig, laying down in the corner, passed out. Stone drunk. Evidently for Buster, every hour was cocktail hour.
Since then, Buster is now downing beers in heaven and his descendants are the star attraction. Since it is no longer politically correct to promote alcoholism in pigs, they are now served non-alcoholic beer (ODouls).
Here's to you Buster!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New Favorite Song
I laughed here:
You wanted arts and crafts?
How's this for arts and crafts?
(guitar solo)
(That's Right!)
And chucked here:
Marryin' a bi-yatch,
Havin' Seven ki-yads,
Givin' up and growin' old,
And hopin' there's a god.
So give it a listen and learn by studying the lessons in your dreams
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My Brother's TV Show
It basically tells a story of murder while focusing on the Interrogation, using the real footage. Pat (brother) is also the narrator. He e-nun-cee-ates dramatically because you have to do this as a narrator. Aimee and I watched both shows (Tuesdays at 9:00 pm).
It's a good show! I think it's his best one yet. So, if you are flipping the channels on a Tuesday evening at 9 pm and want to see a good show, check it out.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Preggers Pics
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ernie Tee Shirt

This evening, Aimee was watching one of her favorite shows, John and Kate plus eight, a TV show about a married couple with a set of twins and sextuplets. During this episode, the whole family visited Sesame Place, an amusement park in Pennsylvania. Due to the fact I am currently reading a book about a Professor's years of experience studying baboons in the wild of Africa, watching the show (for a moment) brought to mind a childhood experience involving summer camp and an Ernie Tee Shirt.
The book is tiled A Primate's Memoir and documents the author's years in Kenya studying baboons as a graduate student. The chapters alternate between describing observations of a troop of baboons and the wildly different culture in Africa than that of his life in the United States.
How does this all relate?
When I was around six years old, I went to a summer camp. On one fateful day, my mother laid out an Ernie Tee Shirt to wear. To three-year olds at the time, Ernie and Bert were bigger than The Beatles. For a six or seven year old, wearing an Ernie and Bert Tee Shirt was like break dancing at a funeral...a major faux pas. Had I sported a Star Wars or Dukes of Hazard Tee Shirt, I would have been safe. I didn't know any better. All I knew was that I needed to wear a shirt, period. Actually, had my mother not laid out any clothes, I probably would have been fine leaving the house in just socks and sneakers. I would probably have been more comfortable anyway (during that hot summer) with the exception of sitting on the Yellow School Bus seat.
Anyway, I was the lowest baboon on the totem pole that day. I was encircled by mini-baboons (I mean children) and ridiculed without mercy. I actually didn't even know I had a big target (I mean "Ernie") on my chest until I got on the school bus. This lasted the whole day. I found this puzzling, as I never actually paid attention to what other kids wore. I only noticed pretty girls and kids who smelled bad. That day taught me that that you have to pay attention what to the clothes you wear...I finally caught on at some point..I think it was when I reached 30..maybe a few years before . After that day, I bid farewell to my Ernie Tee Shirt. Good-bye, old friend. We had a good Go of it, you and me. No disrespect to you, my brothah. It's just the times, man. You dig? I'll keep rockin if you keep rockin. Good luck, Broseph.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Baby Lil'
Aimee's Rap Name: Momma Lil'.
We have two dogs, so why not give them Rap Names as well:
Ginny: 4Eva Baby. Because she'll always be our baby. She'll never grow up and go to college or Beauty School or whatever.
Darla: Lil' D. Just sounds good.
Me? Em Ro'. Same configuration as J Lo. Don't be fooled by the rocks I don't got. Used to have a I have a on and so forth..
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

While I do not misspell my own email address, there are others who do and I'm not getting your emails.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
- In August, Aimee's friends Julie and Sandy are throwing a baby shower with my Mom. Aimee's Mom is coming in from Texas. We are looking forward to it.
- We think we have decided on a name for our little toots. Naming dogs is easier.
- We saw "Mama Mia" yesterday. Hmm. Not bad...but not great.
- It's too hot outside.
- Since I haven't had time to buy razors, I have a beard. I am thinking of shaving it down to a stache.
- Our friend Vincent stayed with us this past week. He accompanied me on my morning and evening dog walks. I think that deep down, he may just like dogs.
- Lately, I've been reading articles related to the economy.
- I hate going to the grocery store, but have been going a lot lately. Well, not a lot, but for me it is. Aimee is pregs so she gets special treatment. Don't get used to it.
- Lately, I've been looking up cars on the Internet. Good gas mileage is favorable, but not when safetey is an issue.
- I got a hair cut today. The lady who cut it accussed me of self cuttage because it was all kinds of lengths and the back was growing into a mullet. I confessed immediately. I haven't had the time to get it cut. I gave her a good tip. Yes, I sometimes cut my own hair.
- I appreciate air conditioning.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Aimee entertains herself
Later in the day, I took a shower in order to get ready for a dinner in Bethesda with our friend (and my colleague) Vincent, who is currently in town from Paris. He was staying with us for the evening, and his visit gave us more of a reason to finish the room. As I left the bathroom, I noticed Aimee in the hall, standing lopsided, like a drunken homeless man. She stood this way because she was trying to control her laughter. She had a smirk on her face. Did you see the guest room? Go take a look! I added a picture (trying to act non chalant, yet as transparent as glass).
I walked over to the guest bedroom, and took a look. Nothing seemed out of place: a bed, a night stand, a painting on the wall. Then, I looked at the night stand. On the night stand and next to a candle, sat a framed picture. Just one picture in the entire room. The framed photo was a picture of me a head shot. As I shook my head, I envisioned Vincent setting down his bags, taking a look around the room and noticing that the only framed photo in the room was a picture of me smiling.
Aimee walked around the hall for a good minute and giggled while trying to keep herself upright. It's clear that it is much more difficult for a very pregnant woman to remain standing on two feet while laughing. I wasn't sure if I was more amused by the picture or by Aimee's sheer delight in her little project. This wasn't a quick job. She had to think about it, find an appropriate photo, and place it in a nice frame with a goal of completing her task before I walked out of the bathroom.
When Vincent walked in the room, he saw the humor as well. Then he immediately picked up the frame and turned it face down on the end table.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Aimee's Love Notes
Evidently, Aimee has something against coffee grinds in the sink. Nice penmanship!
Aimee also prefers her toothpaste tube to be capped 24 hours a day. Her message is simple: "Toothpaste"
Aimee thought these attached twin cherries looked like a butt, so she took a picture.
Finally, a picture that demonstrates the comfort level of Darla.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Talk about a "Baby Bump"

Growing..and kicking! The little bugger kicks pretty much all the time. Not only does she kick, but she responds to voices. I put my hand on Aimee's tummy and say.."Kick!" The little growing person kicks on queue..with Pele.
Are we ready? Of course not. Looking forward to the craziness? Absolutely.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My Dad's Baseball Hats in South America
He left for South America with a bunch of my Dad's baseball caps. Now, he has started to give them away as gifts to people he meets along the way. The rule is for each hat he gives away, he takes a picture. Well, here we go!

Yesterday evening, I was walking the dogs (like I always do) and came up on a Korean neighbor. He was a middle aged man in flip-flops, black socks, and a Tee Shirt that sported a Green Clover which read: "Kiss Me I'm Irish." No joke. If I had a camera on me, I would have asked to take his picture...Priceless! I am also not joking about taking pictures of neighbors. Just ask Aimee.