This morning The Today Show was on television. A famous young lady singer named "Fergie" was performing. During the performance, both Aimee and I began to laugh unusually hard at the same time.
The Today Show is not necessarily a "family program", though doesn't tend to get extremely out of hand. During Fergie's song this morning, I believe the situation reached DEFCON five. It was the perfect storm, consisting of the following conditions: 1.) the time of day(8:30 am on a Tuesday) 2.) painted on leather pants 3.) over-the-top provocative dancing and 4.) and seven year old children in the FRONT row.
The moment when we started laughing was when she began gyrating on stage, in front of children, like a Giant Ant Eater in Heat.

Her risque seizures seemed without end. After giving lap dances to third graders, she ran back towards the band and began doing some type of newfangled power gymnast flippy whirls WHILE singing.

But no, she was not finished. Her final salacious gesture was to shake her butt, leather pants and all, for what seemed like 27 minutes. She shook it in such an out of contol manner, that it seemed like someone laced her undies with Ben Gay ointment that started to kick in right at that moment.

I have one word that describes the moment: In-A-Pro-Priate! I guess it is not her fault.
If you do not believe this story. Click on the following link and access the second video down the page. Just make sure there are no children nearby. I wont be responsible. I warned you.