Within the first month of meeting Aimee, I learned a peculiar (to me) predilection of hers: She loves Broadway Musicals from the 1950's. I learned this on a Sunday afternoon, when she became overly excited because Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was on TV. It had a tough looking Lumberjack as the lead so how bad could it be? About five minutes later I learned how it could be when a group of "lumberjacks" in multicolored outfits started dancing and singing. It was absolutely ridiculous..and Aimee loved it. That day was probably the 37th time she had seen it.
She also loves pretty much loves all of Rodgers and Hammerstein productions, including The Sound of Music and Oklahoma! (exclamation point is part of the title). For The Sound of Music, she is quite talented at singing the song that all the Children sing at the Ball (or whatever it's called) before they go to bed: Good night, farewell, Adieu adieu adieu and all that nonsense. One by one, the children roll out of the party with their special "good night." One boy in particular reaches an octave so high that dogs cover their ears. Aimee can't quite reach that level but she sure tries..and tries..then laughs..then tries again. If you want to know what I am talking about, the song is below and our special little guy does his thing at about minute 1:40. It comes out of nowhere and is really quick so pay attention.
So, why am I writing about this? Because for Valentines Day, I gave her a DVD set of Rodgers and Hammerstein: The Sound of Music / The King and I / Oklahoma! / South Pacific / State Fair / Carousel.
Our dogs are already looking for places to hide when the music starts blaring.
I also got her the movie "Once" which is a musical without the high octaves, prancing and tidy clothing. It's set in Ireland. A song from the movie is below. I hear it's good. We shall see.
I like them too...and so does wylie.shh don't tell him i told....embutly:)
Once is the best movie you bought for Valentine's day. I know it because I told you to buy it...
I love them all too, including Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Oklahoma! being my all time favorite, I can sing it from top to bottom by heart. And I was lucky enough to see Crazy for You in Broadway. Do you know, Aimee, that The Sound of Music is a remake of 2 old German movies (The Trapp Family and The Trapp Family in America) ? I both saw them as a child in the fifties.
My husband also makes fun of me whenever I watch one of my musicals.
Are men and dogs heartless brutes ? Only kidding...
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