Thursday, April 09, 2009

Texas Trip

Aimee, Stella and I just got back from a too quick trip to Texas. Aimee's parents are wonderful hosts who know how to deliver superb Texas food!..and deliver again..and again...Texas food..hmmm..just may be the current title holder.

It was great to see Stella with her grandparents Go Go and Big D too. I hope at least Aimee and Stella get the chance to go back and visit soon! They just cannot be too long away from me:)

You ask about the grandparents names? Yes, I think we are in an age where grandparents now name themselves. My mother Nancy first opted for Grancy, but has since changed to "Nan." Now, you tell me what human under the age of two can say "Nan." Grancy/Nancy/Nan, you may need to change again. There is plenty of time...Stella is just learning how to eat with a spoon.

Stella and her Grandparents!

Matt and Aimee at Opening Day for the Houston Astros

Stella and Pappy the Dog

Priceless: Stella, her mother, her grandmother and her GREAT grandmother. Four generations! Oh, my Nana would have loved to have met you, little Stella.

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