Sunday, January 21, 2007

When it snows, you stay in and eat. And eat.

And eat. It's the American way.

Because I have been monitoring the increasing cost of citrus over the past few weeks, I decided I would create my own stockpile for when times are really tough.

It seems as though I could not help myself. When there is plenty, there is plenty to consume. This, also, is the American way.

Once I polished off the oranges, I had a taste for something salty. We Americans strive for harmony and balance, as you know. So I decided to make a pizza-a pizza with the works. I hate to shame my father but I bought a pre-made crust instead of making one from scratch the way he does. As a result we had a fantastic pizza with the works that left the aftertaste of cardboard (the kind that's left out in the rain).

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