It's great when a sibling achieves a milestone which makes your parent's proud. What happens when that sibling is a DOG?
Chico. Chico Chico Chico. Special little Chico.
My mother sent an email with the following text and a photo (above):
"Chico got his certification for Therapy dog and I thought I'd brag! He and I will probably be visiting a battered women's shelter and also a group of developmentally disabled young adults."
Is he going to cure Cancer as well? What will he be doing next week....teaching Calligraphy to homeless Veterans? Has Chico actually discovered the ability to walk on water?
One would think that Chico would be the sole focus of an empty-nested, quiet home. Au parents’ home is not a quiet bastion of peacefulness. ... Chico is one of THREE dogs in my parents’ house. Not only does Chico outshine his human siblings, he gets to rub his greatness in the face of two OTHER dogs.
I wouldn't be surprised if I heard a knock on our door from their other dogs, with a bottle of Scotch in hand and ready to share their tale of woe. What about the human children? They raised SEVEN.
I cannot say I am above any type of dog insanity because I implored Aimee to get a second, make that second puppy, at the same time...while living in a one bedroom apartment. So, I don't need therapy to explain my crazed affinity for dogs for obvious reasons.
Kidding aside, Chico actually IS a Golden Child. He looks at you like you are the only person that has ever mattered in the history of Earth and the remaining planets. He has that Bill Clinton-I care about you-you matter-btw, I am a rock star way of looking at you. So, here's to you Chico....
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