Monday, October 08, 2007

Gone Baby Gone in the Movies next week.


The movies, you say? Yes, I say.


Because my cousin (2nd) wil be in a big whoozamahoo movie, by Ben Affleck. I posted about it before, but now the movie is actually coming into the Theatre.

I just googled him (my cousin, not Ben Affleck..that's awkward) and found the following reference. Remember, my mother's family is from the neighborhoods featured in the movie, just like The New Kids On The Block, Aimee's favorite (when she was 10 years old). Slaine is my cousin's 'Hollywood' name.

"Given novelist David Lehane's Dorchester roots and Affleck's' previous immersion in the tough streets of Southie in Good Will Hunting, a sense of place means much to this film's success. To the Europeans who have complained that the Dot Rat (Dorchesterite) accents are hard to understand, Affleck has replied, "This is Boston's revenge for [Guy Ritchie's Cockney and Gypsy-babbling] Snatch." Local rapper Dickie Skinz (whose Sik Pup label just released a Red Sox-themed single in time for the playoffs) is bested only by another local rapper, Slaine, in street authenticity."

Did you see that? Street Authenticity. That's just plain 'off thuh hook'. There's also a new trailer. Check it before you wreck it (like that one? authentic?):

The press is also getting into it:


USA Today

So make sure you see it. I am not sure how much of a role he has but he is still seen in the trailer above, so Good For You George, I mean Slaine!

Keepin It Real In the Burbs,


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