Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Governer of New York's Alias

If you read the news, you know the Governor of New York just got busted for soliciting prostitution. The name he chose as an alias was George Fox. I am not schooled on the process of hiring prostitutes, but I guess it's common to use an alias. George Fox is the name of my oldest brother's high school friend. I just thought I'd clear the air with you on this. My brother's high school friend did not solicit a prostitute, AKA a "ho."

Actually, he runs a watch company. I have one of his (George Fox) watches. It is great. I chose the "Blok" watch (tan band). Check it out. I wore it a lot..until Aimee got me a watch for my B-Day (I'm old). It's a titanium Swiss Army watch...nice.

Anyway, I am disappointed by the Governor. I thought he was doing a great job. Though Wall Street Crooks are clinging glasses right now, I still think that what the Gov. did was not as nearly as bad as inside trading. Thieves.


Patrick said...

My friend, George Fox does not only NOT patronize prostitues, he is also NOT affiliated with George Fox University.
It is a religous school in Oregon, which does not allow drinking, sex, smoking, or dancing. Or prostitution. As far as I know. I have never been there. Neither has George Fox. The one I know.

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