Sunday, July 22, 2007

Small World BBQ with Black Squirrel

So the most recent post was about Matt's (my) secound cousin being a rapper. My cousin is part of a rap 'supergroup' named La Coka Nostra. Members of La Coka Nostra used to be in another Rap group called House of Pain (of which I was a fan of, one hundred years ago).

Jump to today, at a BBQ with our friends Vincent and Ann Laure. They have visitors in town from France, including Vincent's childhood friend Guillaume. So Guillaume, Tomas, and Elodie go last night to see a concert in Baltimore. The name of the band is Battles. The Drummer of the band is the former Drummer of Helmet.

So I was on Wikopedia tonight reading the entry for House of Pain. House of Pain worked with another group long ago for a song on a movie soundtrack. Who did they make the song with?

I think it's kind of interesting.
What about the black squirrel? Is there a connection? No. We just saw a goofy black squirrel while enjoying our BBQ.

Merci pour le barbecue, citoyens de la France.


Guillaume said...

Hi Ma'am & Mister Special !
What a very good time with you yesterday ! If you want to listen to Helmet's music, I recommand the record called "Betty", I think it's the best...
Be careful, the french girl's name is "Elodie" like Melody without "M"....
Have a good week, and I hope to see you soon.
Cheers & Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Merci pour Le comment, Guillaume! Have fun in New York.

This is the place Vincent spoke about with Goodlooking yet bad waitresses:

It's a great "New York" place!

-Mr. Special