Sunday, July 08, 2007

Knees are Necessary-Especially ACLs

Well, I am 2 weeks and 2 days out of my knee surgery. I hobbled around slowly at first but now you can barely detect a limp (unless I'm really tired!).
Thank you to everyone who helped out, inquired about or gave me personal testimonials!
Here's a chronological picture show:

Day 2-Saturday Ready to head out to lunch with Julie, too bad I can't completely straighten OR bend my knee!
Day 3- Sunday I got to take my brace off and soon my bandages. I'm swollen but walking on my own!

Circa Day 4-Bandages off but still really swollen
Fast forward to Day 16- All is well and I'm looking a little more normal. Let's face it, I was never going to be any sort of knee model-before or after!!

Soon I will be running, jumping and flailing like I did before. Gotta love modern medicine (now if they could only do something about the pain meds ;) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww your poor knee...I hope your are feelin better. I love you and miss you, and I don't have a new number for you! LOVE YOU embuttly