Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Aimee calls me at work with a request

This past weekend we were in the car...a lot.

Car time is special. When you are in a car for an elongated period of time, the conversation can do a number of things. It can end with silence. It can sustain itself with idle chit chat. It can result in games. Or, in our case, it evolved into silly nonsense.

I don't remember how or why, but at one point, I began to perform Lamar's Rap from the movie, Revenge of the Nerds. After I did it once, Aimee proceeded to make me do it again, like seven times until I went on strike.

So today, she calls me while I am at work and requests an encore. I asked her "Do you really want me to do it while I am in an office with my co-workers in the background?"

Now, Dear Reader, I pose the same question. If you care to to understand the big picture, feel free to play the clip below.

Pay close attention when the clip reaches the 1:17 minute point (more or less). Then, envision me doing this seven times in a car ride. Then think about some guy doing this in an office environment.

If you are wondering, I declined the request.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

clap your hands everybody and everybody clap your hands. . . I LOVE it!!!