Wednesday, August 01, 2007

30 Years later: Elvis Lives

Aimee does not like Elvis too much, because she cannot get the image of a bloated man fallen over a toilet. Way to see the sunny side of things, wife.

Who dislikes Elvis? That's similar to disliking ice cream or tacos or fresh air. Anyway, Elvis passed away 30 years ago, in August of 1977. I think I vaguely remember hearing about his passing during that Summer as I ate ice cream after a taco dinner on the porch, in the fresh air.

Anyway, Elvis was and IS a big deal...Elvis is American optimisim with a cautionary of innocence turned ugly. Elvis is everywhere. Think I'm talking smack? Just turn on your TV and check out the BRAND new commercial for Viagra.

After seeing that commercial, it's all clear to me now. It's clear that I wish bad things to happen to the people in the commercial. Anyway, you get it. It's an Elvis song that they totally and utterly destroy. If Viagra works that much, is it really necessary to sing a song with a bunch of other men before you drive home to the wife? And how do they know it works before they even get home? Did they experiment with the Piano Player?

Oh well, anyway. Here's to Elvis. The King. One day I will make it to Graceland. Or we, if Aimee can change the image in her mind.
Finally, there's the creation below, by Dr. Vincent.

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