Monday, August 20, 2007

Easy Button Commerical: A New Contender


I like silly commercials. So far in 2007, this one is my favorite.

We have a contender. A contender in the competition of television commercials that please me.

First, get a pair of black socks and shoes. Next, a cheerleader outfit. Lastly, all you need to know is this:

Step, Step and Step. Hop Hop Hop. Twist. The guy takes three goofy steps forward, then just hops up and down. It's poetry. That guy has some moooves.

The reason why I like this commercial is because it makes me happier each time I see it. The 23rd time is better than the second.

I am also entertained by the ugly kid with the easy button. Aimee must like the commerical too, since I am her husband. It's the law.

I think that commerical was choreographed by
The Jam Cam Ham.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out this one:
